
so silly :)) !

so silly !

Gif Animation

hmm, how poor am i, i even known about how to make some photos become one frame and move. thanks to my friend, ira, to teach me, huaaaaaa :p

-__- *telat amat taunya hmm



all of this ballons' picture i dedicate for my bestiest, Dina,
(She really like ballons so much, and almost looks like ballon hahaha love you sist :P)


spesial thanks to Mr. Google and friends (Tinypic, Deviantart, etc) (:
"the best browsers to find what you want :D"

I wanna be an architect :D


#Holiday project 2

I want watch DVD so bad !!

guys, a long holiday almost make me crazy :(
i dont have any usefull activity, just sleep, watch tv, eat, drink, 'move body' (sit up, push up), helping mom clean the house. THAT'S ALL !!

yesterday i found my old DVD, HANCOCK and AVATAR. hmm i got a good i idea.
but i just can watch HANCOCK, 'cause Avatar's DVD can run well.

nah, from that i am looking to watch some film :))

17 film that i want to watch :

Sound of music
Mamma Mia
Alice in wonderland
Journey to the center of earth
The Mummy : Tomb of the dragon emperor
Meteor : The fututre of humanity is at stake
Sherlock Holmes
The fast and Furiuos 4
Alvin and the Chipmunks 2
Astro Boy
The secret of Moonacre
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince ( i dont remember i have watched or not -.-)
My name is Khan
Meet Dave
Monster House
Akeelah and the Bee (Thea's recomendation)


now, the question is where i can rent all of that ?? hahaha stupid -.-


Tangkuban Perahu

guuuys :D
after long time i spend my holiday just around jakarta, yesterday on June 20th, my junior high school's friends and i went to TANGKUBAN PERAHU, Bandung !!!!!
hahaha it was a wonderfull trip.

Everything start from Beatrice who have this idea. And we went to Tangkuban Perahu with her car. *Thanks a lot betti (:

During the trip, we spend with listen the music and sing together, share some gossip or story, take a picture, eat many food (from chef yeyen and beatrice), sleep and many others.

*Tangkuban Perahu from another view

*near the cauldron

*girls : Beatrice, Christine, Naya, Yeyen, me

*boys : Alex, Tia, Anand

*walk together (;

thankyouu guys for the great holiday trip :D.


Let's play with ORIGAMI ((:

guys, you ever know about skill of fold a paper from Japan, it's called origami.
We ever study it when we were kindergarten, right?? haha
When i was just searching with Mr, Google, i found one cool website all of origami.
If you like create some handmade, you must see it (:


I try to create a alphabet with a paper, see what i make

i create it word for my young league in church. hehe.
it's look funny right? haha yaa, it's a one of good activity to spend your free time (:


#Holiday project 1

cooking some cake !

*i just take it from mr.Google (;

(mom, teach me please !! (: )

when just seacrhing, i find this blog, http://www.shelovesbaking.blogspot.com .
Check it out and you will have some interesting to make a simple cake :DD
This blog inspiring me to try make a cake.

this is the long holiday i ever have. I have graduated from senior high school and now i have a long holiday before i become a new university student !!
Before this, i hope i really want have a long holiday, i can spend all my day in house and do anything i want. I can feel happy and free.
Having a holiday too long with a daily activies (sleep, eat, watch, online, help mom) its so bored :((. I think i can stay at home well and enjoy, but it's too long and make me so bored.

see and make your dreams come true !


am i wrong if i have so many dreams?
I have heard someone says that people live with dreams, without it they dont have a goal.
yeah, dreams can make color your life, you have something that you must reach.
Like one lyric in Nidji's song, Laskar Pelangi, says that, "Mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukan dunia".
But, dont life in your dreams !! you just think about it, but you dont make it real.

As a human, i have so many dreams. Because of that, i ever write my 100 dreams in a draw paper and i patch it in my room. I really happy when i write it. I think all of it i can reach easily. I write anything from my head. Every day, i look my 100 dreams, i close my eyes and imagine that i can get it. I'm really opimistic about all of that.
But, remember this ! People have so many dreams that they have a good plan for their but dont forget to bring all of your dream in your pray. Because God know the perfect best way more than your dreams.

For example one of my 100 dreams, become a university student of university in Bandung. that's my major dreams now. I do anything to get it. I also do some course, study hard, practice draw, and anything to get it. Finally, i do their test. First i do the test in Jakarta, but failed. That's make me dissapointed, really dissapointed. I cry and down. But, i try again their second test in Bandung. I study again, prepare my self more than before. I pray, hope a can get it now. But, the result i failed again. I dont know why, and what must i do. I think i have give all of my best. I really down and sad.

But, i thank to all my friends who give me support. from they I know, i can have so many dreams, it's good, but dont ever forget to bring it in your pray. And believe behind that there's a beauty plan from God for my life. (:
yeaah, now i dont understand, but sometimes i hope i can understand for all of this.

hmm, after break for a long time. I'll come to write this blog again. :))


adalah 1% inspirasi dan 99% keringat.
Tidak ada yang dapat menggantikan kerja keras.
Keberuntungan adalah sesuatu yang terjadi ketika kesempatan bertemu dengan kesiapan.
-Thomas A. Edison

ujian yang kudu dan wajib dijalani oleh kelas - kelas yang akan menghadapi ujian akhir.
bisa dibilang ini menjadi tolak ukur kesiapan kita untuk mengikuti ujian yang sesungguhnya.

"kesiapan". aduh, kalo bicara soal itu, kesiapan gw masih setengah persen kali. berasa baru belajar benar beberapa bulan terakhir ini. padahal udah hampir 3 tahun belajar, rasanya berlalu begitu saja. TIDAAAKK ! Ngak boleh begitu, harus ingat lagi semua pelajaran yang pernah dikasih, HARUS !

Selama try out gw mencoba mengerjakan sendiri tanpa mencari kesempatan. Ini untuk mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan murni gw. Gak perlu nilai bagus - bagus tapi kalo tidak murni. Walaupun nilai gw ada yang gak tuntas dan mama dipanggil, tapi puji Tuhan nilai gw mulai naik sedikit demi sedikit. Gw harus terus berusaha !!
-ora et labora-

Ditambah lagi gw merasa terpacu dengan teman - teman gw,
terlebih chairmate gw yang selalu semangat dan berusaha untuk mencapai yang lebih baik lagi. Walaupun dapat nilai yang kurang memuaskan, mereka tidak patah semangat, malah itu menjadi pemacu di try out selanjutnya.

Walaupun perasaan khawatir itu suka muncul kalo nilai jelek atau ada yang gak ngerti,
tapi kata teman - teman gw, "don't panic !" hhehe (:

makanya, SEMANGAT !


my Christmas Holiday

Natal kali ini memberikan pengalaman baru bagi gw. Sebenarnya ini mau gw posting segera tapi apa mau dikata, baru sempat :D

Tahun ini, gw ikut nemenin Ravy christmas caroling di hotel Inter Continental Jakarta. Ini tahun ke 4 Ravy dan teman - teman PSA GPIB-nya jalani ditemani kakak pelayan mereka. Salah satunya ngku Obby dari Bethesda.

Pelayanan mereka dimulai tgl. 24 - 25 Desember di restoran - restoran yang ada dihotel tersebut.

Kenapa gw mau ikut, karena gw penasaran apa saja yang mereka lakukan. Gw lihat Ravy sangat menikmati itu, dan setiap selesai pelayanan pasti dapat bingkisan trima kasih. LUCU -LUCU LOH HADIAHNYA ! Punya Ravy gw jarah semua hhaha.

Setelah ibadah natal pagi tgl. 25; gw, Ravy, Ngku Obby, Nadia. Langsung meluncur ke Hotel. Jadwal mereka nyanyi masih jam 12, tapi rombongan Bethesda (itu gw tadi) udah sampai sekitar stngah 11. Alhasil kita nunggu dulu di tempat yang udah disediain. Ravy dan Nadia yang sudah sangat biasa disitu ngajak gw jalan - jalan keliling. Astaga, hotel segede itu udah berasa rumah sendiri bagi mereka saking 4 tahun pelayanan di situ mulu. Gw dibawa menyusuri office dan akhirnya sampai di kantin khusus karyawan. Lewat jalan - jalan tersembunyi hhe.

Ketika kami kembali ke ruang tunggu, udah ada yang datang deh teman - teman Ravy dari gereja lain. Waaah seru banget ! Gw senang melihat anak - anak kecil itu hha. Mereka berisik, masih imut - imut, gak bisa diam, dan udah NGEGOSIP ! astaga anak kecil zaman sekarang hhaha.

Gw bantuin mereka yang susah pakai jubah dan pasang stola mereka hhehe. Gw lihat cara mereka pemanasan, latihan lagu yang bakal nyanyiin. Temenin mereka keliling - keliling buat nyanyi. SERUUUU!
Dan dengan memdadaknya ngku Obby nyuruh gw pimpin mreka nyanyi. HUAAAAA ! Syok banget gw, masih ada tas dibahu lagi. Ini gara - gara ngku Obby mau ngasih tau track lagu buat petugasnya. Udah kayak badut deh gw, mreka nyanyi senyum - senyum gara - gara tingkah laku gw. hhehe.

Diakhir tugas mereka nyanyi di Lobby utama Hotel. Sebelumnya gw udah complain sama ngku Obby yang buat shock tadi. Mending gw aja yang ngarahin petugasnya buat track lagu tadi hha. Jadi skrng gw yang muterin track yang buat mereka nyanyi. Gw berhadapan dengan kotak sound system yang penuh dengan tombol bulat - bulat pengatur volume dll :D

Begini, harusnya dari track no. 5 diloncat ke 10 supaya cepat sampai ke no.14 dan selesaaaii. Tapi berhubung DVD tempat kaset lagu itu diputar tidak ada remotenya, alhasil anak - anak tadi menyanyi 10 lagu bayangkan !! Nonstop lagi, mantaf! hhaha
Mereka nyanyi track 1 - 10 :D dahsyat.
Nah dari tempat gw beroperasi deket sama speaker, dan kedengeran keluh kesah mereka. Ada yang udah pegel, udah aduh aduh, ada yang udah haus, pokoknya macem - macem d, lucu banget. hhaha

Setelah itu, selesai sudah tugas mereka untuk natal tahun ini :D
ANAK - ANAK SUPER ! hhaha.
disaat anak lain jalan - jalan untuk merayakan natal, mereka memilih untuk menyebar kasih natal dengan melakukan pelayanan seperti tadi :D

Tapi, gw gk sempet mengabadikan foto bersama mereka, biasa baru pertama jadi gw malu juga hhaha. Gw foto aja mereka hhehe.

#Persiapan diruang ganti

# 1'st Performed at Java's Restaurant

# 2'nd Performed at Scuza Bar

#After at Scuza with teacher's

#Finally, at Lobby

Begitulah pengalaman liburan natal gw, menyenangkan :D hhehe
kembali update (;

hai teman - teman, baru update lagi nih hhaha. Gw mau ngucapin :

Merry Christmas 2009


Happy New Year 2010

Semoga di Natal ini kita bisa lebih bersyukur dan bersukacita akan anugrah Tuhan yang telah kita terima, sehingga di tahun yang baru kita bisa memulai segala sesuatunya dengan lebih baik lagi dan melakukan perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik sehingga bisa membawa damai sejahtera untuk sekeliling kita (:

Belum terlambat kan buat ngucapin ini? masih suasana natal - tahun baru hhe :D